Putting our students first

students first is the main chengdu international school safety policy

We’re proud to be a safe and caring community with our own counseling team, support specialists, and on-site health office.

A warm welcome from our Director of Child Safety

avalon wood chengdu international school safety coordinator

We believe every child has a right to be protected from harm and maltreatment and that everyone has a responsibility to support the protection of children. We provide an environment where students are safe from all forms of abuse and where students can get help if they experience harm.

We seek to do this through safe recruitment practices; Child Safety Policies and Code of Conduct; regular training in Child Safety for all our staff, volunteers, and students; and two staff members in each school who are designated the role of Child Safety Specialist. Our Child Safety Specialists raise awareness around Child Safety in the school and undertake extra training to be able to respond to any concerns raised.

To raise a child safety concern with us, whether historic or current, please use the form below. All information you submit will remain confidential.

Avalon Wood
LifePlus Director of Child Safety and Protection

Safety + well-being highlights

chengdu international school safety policies include the well-being of all students

School counseling

Our School Counselors help students grow in confidence, social skills and behavior development through individual one-on-one meetings; classroom-based teaching about social and emotional issues; behavior plans written in partnership with teachers; and meeting with parents for support as needed.

chengdu international school safety policy in the infirmary

Health clinic

Our dedicated School Nurse’s Office is located on the first floor of our main building, where a trained professional is on duty every day to serve all students and staff.

chengdu international school hallway on campus

Air quality

Our indoor facilities (classrooms, hallways, and areas for indoor sport and play) are closed from outside air, and indoor air is continuously filtered through our Centralized Air Filtration System. This allows us to continue with classes and sports, even on heavily polluted days. As part of our Air Quality Policy, we monitor air pollution several times each day and adjust activities if needed to safeguard the health of our students and staff.

chengdu international school cafe to buy coffee and drinks

Healthy eating

Healthy, well-balanced food is crucial for children’s development. School lunches are prepared by our chefs who have worked in international hotels and are experienced in cuisines from around the world. We only work with trusted suppliers, and each morning carefully hand select the meat, vegetables and fruit we use for the day’s international and Chinese menus.

Raise a concern

Recognized for excellence


Chengdu International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.


As a SENIA member School, we are dedicated to creating a more inclusive world by supporting students with special needs through collaboration with families, professionals and the community.